Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Week 4 Discussion

Plans for Project 2: Thematic Photo Collection 

What is your planned theme for your Project 2: Thematic Photograph Collection? Why did you choose this theme? Where do you plan to take your images?

    Share a few ideas and get some feedback, so you can make the best choice. Your instructor will approve your theme in this discussion, before you begin working on your project.


  1. My theme is the hustle and bustle of the big city especially during baseball season

    1. Are you going to be showcasing a particular baseball team in your theme

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I was thinking of doing a theme based around architecture, focusing on Chicago. I choose this theme because Chicago is famous for many things including its architecture. I plan on walking around the loop.

    1. are you going to use a form of architecture in your project or are you going to many different styles of architecture.

  4. for project 2 my theme will be stone architectural buildings of Hyde Park. Hyde Park has such nice buildings that are usually historical landmarks.

    1. its sounds like your are going to have many different scene that will show the many different styles of home in the neighborhood.

    2. IF you're going to do that then you should focus on certain building that are somewhat close in age

    3. no not many scenes, and styles. if you are familiar with area there are only a close range of difference in each style of building.

  5. My planned theme( for now) is happiness. I would like to take pictures of people while they are at their happiest point. I plan to take my images near my part of town (North side of Chicago, but I could just say Chicago in general). I might change my mind, though if I think of a better or more thought provoking subject.

    1. the theme you chose is a good one but do you know what scene of happiness you want to focus on for example a wedding or a graduation.

    2. I will leave the theme wide open because there are many types of happy expressions: laughing,smiling, even tears of happiness, I plan to take any picture that conveys joy of some sort.

  6. The theme I am considering for my Project 2 is going to be about marine life since there is many different ways an image can turn out.

  7. My project theme for Project 2 is community. I plan to visit different neighborhoods around Chicago and find certain objects that makes that particular community special. It will require a lot of work.

  8. I chose happiness as my theme because I want the viewer of the photo to get something positive out of my piece. Images can evoke a mood and I wanted my photos to bring good feelings out of the person looking at them.
