Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Week 8 Discussion

Progress on Project 3: Studio Shots

This week, share with us your progress and ideas for Project 3, Studio Shots. Describe your audience/client. What objects or products are you shooting? Are any of them proving difficult to photograph, and why? Tell us some of your ideas, and give your classmates some suggestions and feedback about theirs.

    In addition, this week you will submit a series of 10 portrait shots. Share with us who you have in mind for your model(s), other than yourself (for your self portrait). Where do you plan to shoot your portrait shots, and what ideas do you have in mind for lighting, angle, background, props, etc.? 


  1. This week I will start on Project 3. The audience/client demographic I will target could be the everyday person who uses products that you find around the house: appliances, electronic devices, and things of that nature. I will bring my 5-6 items to class Wednesday and begin shooting them in different lighting and compositions.I will give feedback once I see ideas on the blog.
    For my portrait shots, I plan to use either my son or my fiancee. I believe either of them would be a great subject.

    1. your topic sounds good, you can try to experiment with different lighting situations. I think you will be able to produce great images with the topic you have selected. it will be also interesting to see how your portraits of your family come out depending on the techniques you will utilize.

    2. Hi, Roberto. As you now know, I went with my classmates as portrait subjects. I thought it was a more pragmatic choice and an excellent use of studio time.

  2. the idea I have for project 3 is going to be about food, fruits, and probably one or to shots of my pet turtle. the audience I will being trying to advertise to is green company's that promote the healthy eats of foods and the non consumption of animals. in others words my audience with be the vegan community and the population who likes to eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. the products I will be shooting are going to be healthy foods. at this point I feel comfortable shooting with these product due to the fact that they are always around me, there is one exception though my pet turtle might next be to fond of the camera but I will still try to create a great shot with it.

  3. for the studo shot assignment, I chose to use some of my son's childhood toys for the objects to be photographed. Providing they have color and shape and work really well with lighting., because of those properties. At first i was abit nervous, THINKING , I might not do so well . But my shots came out pretty good . based on critique from fellow classmates. i am proud of my work. the play with lighting and angles , I found Interesting and helpful regarding this class .

  4. MY studio shots consisted of artist's tools. lighting positions will define the shape of the objects

  5. My studio shots consisted of jewelry. Having experimented with lighting throughout most of the project, there are improvements I intend to implement along the way. In order to complement the pieces, my main attributes are shape, angles and brightness. Also, I am proud to say that I felt confident enough to take advantage of lighting from different angles as well as use of natural light. In conclusion, my aunt or mother would definitely make wonderful subjects for this theme.

  6. I decided to use my classmates for my portrait shots. Since we had the perfect environment to get desired shots, I didn't want to waste any opportunities.

  7. My portraits shots consisted of wild angles,different lighting choices, background items I found in room 1063 ,where the portrait shoot took place, and some props found in the classroom.

  8. i have ideas of what i want to do. i want to do a shoot of my friend otis :)< in all his glory or just a simple shoot of my daughter the the simple fact that if i master it ill save a lot of money in the future.

  9. but the shoot that i have already done have to edited just a little. i experimented with a lot of angles and light. i do need to do a little editing with the focus though.
